In occasione di EICMA 2018, Ducati si affida a Garvan Acoustic per regalare ai visitatori l’esperienza di un Puro Suono Italiano.
In occasione di EICMA 2018, Ducati si affida a Garvan Acoustic per regalare ai visitatori l’esperienza di un Puro Suono Italiano.
Palazzo Victoria, Verona This luxury hotel, located in the heart of Verona, is greatly enriched by the unique design of the four Garvan Drop speakers made of Faenza ceramics located...
Hotel Palace in Merano Italy Sound design by Garvan at the Hotel Palace in Merano, Italy Garvan speakers confirm to be adaptable to any environment, from the most traditional and...
Litoraneo Suite Hotel, Rimini Enjoy your Made in Italy vacation with Garvan loudspeakers. The concept of made in Italy has always been synonym of care for details and a great...