Litoraneo Suite Hotel, Marina di Rimini

Litoraneo Suite Hotel, Marina di Rimini

Garvan loudspeakers are the protagonists of the acoustic design of four of the Suites of the Litoraneo Suite Hotel, a four-star hotel in Marina di Rimini. The four Tono Suites house a Goccia drop loudspeaker, a flush-mounted loudspeaker -SIC112 plasterboard version- in the bathroom and another one in the living room. The Suites are designed to wrap the guests’ senses into a unique sensorial experience. In addition, the décor, the expression of the Italian excellence of interior design, recalls the world of music in many ways and aspects, from the vinyls hanging from the walls, to the bedside tables made from drums, a tribute to all music lovers. In the Tono Suite, the integrated audio system is connected to the TV in the sleeping area thanks to a dedicated controller and a remote control, to access the on-screen display of available music libraries and web radios with a few simple controls. The sound systems integrated with the room domotics also offer the possibility of a personal music selection upon arrival at the room, and to adjust the alarm clock to the desired time with your favourite playlist. The installation of the Garvan products in the suites has been carried out by Cat Bertozzi, one of the best Italian installers and a long-trusted partner of Garvan ‘s. The project has been realized in cooperation with Architect Maddalena Matteoni of Studio Matteoni. HCS Srl took care of the room domotics.

Litoraneo Suite Hotel –

Studio Matteoni –

Cat Bertozzi –

HCS Srl –

See also
